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Leicester Spokes Cycling Group

Leicester's Friendly Social Cycling Group

How to Contact Spokes

By Email

Leicester Spokes email address is:
Click here to send an email.

By Phone

07860 922844

By Post

Leicester Spokes
28 Eastway Road
LE18 1NH

Spokes Membership

To join or rejoin Leicester Spokes please print out and return the form below to the contact address above or pass it to a committee member on a ride.

Spokes Membership Form

Payment can be made by:

  • Direct bank transfer - Details are on the membership form.
  • Cash: Although not the preferred method, you can pay any committee member on one of the rides.

Note that new riders are expected to join Leicester Spokes after a few bike rides.

Spokes Committee Members

Richard BillsdonClub Chairperson
Mike GambleTreasurer & Membership
Jez SmithClub Secretary
Andy KerridgeEvents Co-ordinator
David MasonRide Organiser
Peter EverardWebsite Administrator
Christine KeenOrdinary Member
John WoodcraftOrdinary Member
Kumaran AmbalavanarOrdinary Member
Andy McGeeOrdinary Member
Kathy BurdittOrdinary Member
Mike BallOrdinary Member

The content of this page was last updated on 24th May 2024.